The Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act (NACARA) allows the suspension or cancellation of removal of eligible nationals of El Salvador, Guatemala, and the former Soviet-Bloc countries, along with their spouses and children. However, there are specific eligibility requirements that you must meet in order to qualify for NACARA relief. In order to be eligible for NACARA relief, you must be a Guatemalan or Salvadoran national who entered the U.S. no later than the fall of 1990 (there are specific entry dates for each country) and who registered for benefits under the settlement agreement in American Baptist Churches v. Thornburg (ABC), a court case that successfully challenged the discriminatory disposition of certain immigrants’ asylum claims. There are different entry deadlines for Guatemalan and Salvadoran nationals, as well as different deadlines for their ABC registration. However, proof of ABC registration tends to be scarce at this point. Additionally, you must not have a conviction for an aggravated felony. Qualified family members of NACARA-eligible individuals also may be eligible for relief, as well as individuals who have been battered or subject to extreme cruelty by NACARA-eligible individuals. Furthermore, you must show proof of seven years of continuous physical presence in the United States, that you have good moral character, that you are not removable under certain criminal grounds, that deportation or removal would constitute an extreme hardship to you, your spouse, child, or parent who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, and that you deserve the benefit. However, there are some exceptions if you have been convicted of certain crimes; you may still be eligible for NACARA relief under a more stringent standard of review. At Landerholm Immigration, A.P.C., we care about you and your family, and want to help you preserve your home in the United States. We focus our law practice solely on deportation defense cases, which allows us to expend all of our efforts in standing up for the rights of those who are facing potential deportation. Our California deportation defense lawyers know how to gather persuasive evidence to support your case and we know all of the procedural ins and outs of the U.S. deportation system. Allow us to handle your deportation case by contacting us today to schedule your free evaluation.