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What are the daunting promises Trump has made against Immigration?

american border with barbed wire

With the possibility of Donald Trump winning reelection on November 2024, what are the risks all immigrants might be facing, based on the extreme campaign promises he made?

Read this article to know what programs he might attempt to recreate and how he plans to deport as many immigrants as he can. Let’s take a look at the list:

  1. Mass deportations inspired by a 1954 policy implemented by former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, targeting hundreds of thousands of undocumented Mexican workers.
  2. Enhanced utilization of "expedited removal" to swiftly deport undocumented individuals without a hearing.
  3. Broad raids targeting workplaces and public areas, potentially involving the National Guard and local law enforcement.
  4. Establishment of detention camps for undocumented immigrants awaiting processing, akin to existing ICE facilities.
  5. Suspension of refugee resettlement, resulting in a significant reduction in refugee admissions.
  6. Termination of Temporary Protected Status programs, potentially leading to the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of individuals.
  7. Revival of policies such as "Remain in Mexico" and Title 42 to restrict asylum seekers' access to the US.
  8. Attempts to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, placing hundreds of thousands of recipients at risk of deportation.
  9. Possibility of reinstating family separation policies and challenging birthright citizenship.

These proposals, if implemented, could significantly impact immigrant communities and prompt legal challenges and public outcry. However, the outcome of such measures remains uncertain and subject to various factors, including legal constraints and public opinion.

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