In light of increased immigration enforcement throughout the country, undocumented immigrants may worry about handling their necessary affairs if they are unexpectedly detained or deported. Fortunately, with proper planning, there is a simple step that you can take to protect both your property and your children. A power of attorney is a written legal document that allows you to designate another person to act on your behalf with respect to property, finances, and children. Under a valid power of attorney, you can give another person the authority to write checks from your bank account to pay your bills, manage your small business, and seek medical care for your children. A power of attorney also allows the person you designate to make educational decisions for your child, purchase a vehicle, or sell real estate. Under California law, there is a Uniform Statutory Form Power of Attorney available for you to review. This is a relatively straightforward legal document that lists the various types of powers that you can give to a person whom you designate, who is referred to as your “agent.” However, the uniform statutory form does not cover all of the alternatives that are available to you through a power of attorney. As a result, you should be sure to consult with an attorney in order to make sure that you have covered all of your bases and included all of the provisions that are important to you. This will help ensure that you do not leave anything out of your power of attorney. At Landerholm Immigration, A.P.C., we care about you and your family, and want to help you preserve your home in the United States. We focus our law practice solely on deportation defense cases, which allows us to expend all of our efforts in standing up for the rights of those who are facing potential deportation. Our California deportation defense lawyers know how to gather persuasive evidence to support your case and we know all of the procedural ins and outs of the U.S. deportation system. Allow us to handle your deportation case by contacting us today to schedule your legal consultation.